Mario Lurig
Additional notes:
-Lori to get estimate of qty paint needed - $300 initial budget, but will confirm with facilities what type is best for purchase, KS recommends starting with a higher budget -Lori to get back to us by April Meeting (this goes against 24/25 school year budget)
-Playground painting: Mrs. Benner has designs from the previous outgoing 5th grade class
-Bidding to begin on Construction (Spring/Summer 2025) for School Year 26; possible impact to events in the school (Anniversary)
-Anniversary event may be dictated by the district (per Lori/Nancy), Nancy has a folder of notes from an older Anniversary celebration
-Lili needs someone to replace her doing the marquee -- this will be advertised in the school newsletter
-KC & KS to step down in April, 2 members MUST be identified for vacancies, Nancy suggested adding into the newsletter - Mario highlighted the importance of the Treasurer role (next audit in 3 years)
-Confirm Ice Cream social details/volunteers and advertising in April meeting
-Discussing making Get Air an annual event - timing is TBD